Well...here's my 2 cents...I got all excited over SACD and two years ago, or whatever, popped for a SCD-1. O.K., so I overlooked that it took the better part of an evening to cue up a CD, I wanted that SACD sound I had read about.A year later I sold it due to total lack of software, unless you are totally into classical and remakes of the bangles. Now another year later and still squat for software, plus now you have multichannel SACD and DVD-A and even less than squat for music to play on that hardware. Soooo what to do...how about I bought an EMC-1 with MK 11 upgrade and holy mackeral andy, I can play the software I already own and it sounds great. Get the point? I hope someday when the electronics industry apologizes to us ,the consumer, that they don't wreck a good apology with a poor excuse.