Buying selling Lp's?

I've heard of vinyl swap meet in other cities however I havent heard of anything of sort in the Chicago land area? Any ideas or suggestions? I am new to Vinyl and I dont currently own a single Lp, hopefully my journer will be fun :)

Ps. Maybe I havent heard anything because I never owned an Lp nor was I interested but now I am. I have an extensive cd collection but thanks to a bud that introduce me to Vinyl I fell in LOVE with the sound immediately and I said "man I have to get me one of those" an adventure awaits me....
Chicago: 1) Dave's Records on Clark St. 2) Reckless Records on Milwaukee Ave. 3) Second Hand Tunes on Clark St. 4) Jazz Record Mart on Wabash Ave.
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No need to find any of those swap meet places..
Just scout your local antique mall, Thrifty store,or Salvation army and you'll be surprised what you find.