Buying Service?

Looking for a rare DAC: not many made but just missed buying the exact model I’ve been hunting for at US Audio Mart.

Can Audiogon, Canuck or some other used audio gear service or retailer in the US or CA help me find it for sale?


Audiogon has a "Follow" function the sends email when your item is listed. I know how to use it for popular equipment, but not sure how for exotic stuff. Best to contact Audiogon for instructions. Must include the balanced XLR upgrade. Someone just beat me to it at HiFI Shark; it even included the Pardo ps. It's discontinued and even if I found one with the RCAs Exasound said that they no longer offer the XLR upgrade.

IF I went for that WTB where's the best place to post it? Fee?

I will email Audiogon about that Follow service. Thanks!!