Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
" Actually good microphones and their associated cables are very expensive. An auspicious first post for you, sir. " - geoffkait

Oops...did I pop in on the wrong thread? I thought this thread was about expensive cables - not expensive microphones.....

Let's go back and check.....Nope, it WAS about cables. Oh, that's right, it's geoffkait doing what he does best once again - making stuff up as an excuse to heap criticism on another poster.

Take a chill pill geoff - it's only an audio hobby, right? Have a laugh....
The good studios use expensive cables. You know, like high end studios. Mid Fi studios use Mogami or whatever. Case solved. Now I’m laughing. 😀
That Dueland wire that you can buy in bulk has oil on it,
Is it the same as the snake oil that some folks are talking about.

Actually, I appreciate the incessant dribble, from the cable neigh-sayers(as in donkey-speak).  The snorts of derision, keep my sinuses clear.