Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
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I like that snake oil because it gives my equipment a fresh clean smell,Definitely wife approval off the charts,and I get more Listening time in.

Snake oil is a two for one. It’s a lubricant for the wheels of audiophile progress and a banana peel for naysayers and others stuck in the mud. 💩
I am not sure why I bother posting. 45 + years in this hobby, and I have learned to use, and trust, my ears. I never needed anyone to " sell me " on anything.  The naysayers and trolls continue to do what they do, but most of them never have experimented ( using this term specifically ) with cables, fuses, green pens, etc., so really have little to no personal experience in the matter. This is what I find the most annoying with these threads, but at the same time, laughable. I find everything, and I mean everything, to make a difference in the sound, and it is for me, and only me, to determine if it is an improvement to get my system 1 step closer to that holy grail, to my holy grail. On a similar thread, I have invited ( challenged ) kosst to roll a bit of painters tape around the glass of his fuses, having him hear the benefits of reducing the resonance and vibration of the fuses, and in fact, the fuse holders, and he laughed. This is my biggest complaint with the naysayers and trolls. This is inexpensive and not dangerous. There is a level of equipment, room acoustics, ears, etc., that is required to hear this difference. So, all of these trolls and naysayers can battle us " listeners " to whatever avail they may want. Makes no difference to me. I am in this for me, not them. MrD.