@kosst_amojan - I couldn’t agree more that DIY is the way to go for cables if you are even remotely handy and don’t have a super busy, lucrative career.
Plus, then you can experiment with materials, geometries and conductors. I find it fun and fascinating. The cables you described above.. speaker cables? Otherwise, that sounds like overkill for a pair of interconnects. 😁
I made a couple of pairs of speaker cables from braided CAT 6 cable.. they sounded incredible, but man, pulling all the wire out was a pain. I’d definitely buy some OCC solid copper instead of harvesting it from CAT 6 if I were to do it again. But I won’t, as I’m currently using a counter rotating helix design that sounds even better.
One geometry I never tried that seemed interesting would be a single, large diameter signal with a neutral made from multiple small solid conductors, braided around the signal conductor. One for the future..
Plus, then you can experiment with materials, geometries and conductors. I find it fun and fascinating. The cables you described above.. speaker cables? Otherwise, that sounds like overkill for a pair of interconnects. 😁
I made a couple of pairs of speaker cables from braided CAT 6 cable.. they sounded incredible, but man, pulling all the wire out was a pain. I’d definitely buy some OCC solid copper instead of harvesting it from CAT 6 if I were to do it again. But I won’t, as I’m currently using a counter rotating helix design that sounds even better.
One geometry I never tried that seemed interesting would be a single, large diameter signal with a neutral made from multiple small solid conductors, braided around the signal conductor. One for the future..