Cables for B&W Nautilus 802

I just purchased a pair of 802's I love the sound of the speakers but with some of my music they sound a bit brite.I am looking for a cable to tone this down.
Athem D1 pre/pro and Moon Aurora amp with Stright Wire Rhythm cables bi-wire.
Any other tips or tweaks to offer I would be thankful

AZ Satori. I used to bi-wire my N802's with Satori on top and Hologram on bottom, excellent sounding.
You're experiencing the B&W "sound". There are no cables to deal with this. Sorry.
Louis, I have N801s and use Nordost Blue Heaven interconnects and PS Audio Xtreme Biwire speaker cables with good results. Nordost Blue Heaven Biwire speaker cables should work as well. I suggest you contact Steve at the Cable Company. He's very helpful and they have a cable loaner service. Good Sounds, Bill
I only wish Judy426 had enlightened me years ago. I've owned a few of their speakers over the years, including my current Nautilus 800 Signatures, and have been mistakenly enjoying them immensely. Oh well, perhaps Judy426 will let me know what speakers I need to purchase to enjoy my music once again.
To seriously answer your concern, I've used AZ Satori and think they are an excellent recommendation. I currently use Audiotruth Clear cables for the highs and Midnights for the lows. I love the combination.
Happy listening,