Cables for B&W Nautilus 802

I just purchased a pair of 802's I love the sound of the speakers but with some of my music they sound a bit brite.I am looking for a cable to tone this down.
Athem D1 pre/pro and Moon Aurora amp with Stright Wire Rhythm cables bi-wire.
Any other tips or tweaks to offer I would be thankful

I only wish Judy426 had enlightened me years ago. I've owned a few of their speakers over the years, including my current Nautilus 800 Signatures, and have been mistakenly enjoying them immensely. Oh well, perhaps Judy426 will let me know what speakers I need to purchase to enjoy my music once again.
To seriously answer your concern, I've used AZ Satori and think they are an excellent recommendation. I currently use Audiotruth Clear cables for the highs and Midnights for the lows. I love the combination.
Happy listening,
I post a similar thread a while back. I would look into power conditioning, room acoustics first. If those are adequately addressed ( or can't be changed) , then i would change cables.

THere are no perfect speakers.
Forget Judy426. In these circles Judy426 is a well known B&W basher and at every chance always bad mouths them. You say you just prchased a pair, well now you have to give them time to break in. They are going to need a few hundred hours and the advice you got from everybody above except Judy of course are guys that know certain cables can help. Likecap is really helping you out here by telling you about Steve at the Cable Company, and I have used Audioquest and PS Audio among others with great results. I'm now using Extreme Statement Bi-wire 8 foot pair by PS Audio and love it. You can find this cable on Ebay and here on Audiogon for under $300.00 and well worth what was once $1100.00 now for under $300.00 Make sure what ever cable you get that you give the cable at least a week of 24/7 even at low volume before you really listen. I bought my N802's last year and wouldn't dream of selling them. Good luck in your search for your proper cable. Uriah

I am going to throw one more at you. Synergistic Research Signature 10 bi-wire. These are what I use with my N803.

Good luck in your search.

I prefer "truth sayer" not basher as my position accurately reflects that of which I speak. Unlike the owners of these sonic dogs, I have no interest other than to offer an honest and candid appraisal.