Cabling Recommends Simaudio Ace/Totem Forest

Members - Looking to upgrade cabling, mainly speaker wire and possibly power cord.  Just added Simaudio Moon Ace (integrated with DAC & Streamer) running to Totem Forest speakers (standard, not the Signatures) with Transparent Wave speaker wire and Transparent PC. Forests can be bi-wired and am now using the jumpers that came stock (thin copper).  Mainly listen to rock, EDM with apple music, thinking about Tidal, and running the TV into the Sim.  Sounds good as is but the Transparents were more or less entry level.  Looking to purchase speaker wire used up to $600, 2.5-3 meters.

Would appreciate your thoughts on bringing system to next level.  Seeing cable such as Audioquest Rocket 88, Kimber 12-TC, Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEF level 1 or Tesla Accelerator, Audience AU24 or OHNO III.  Some of these are bi-wire cables.  Since buying used, won't really have a chance to demo and don't want to do the back and forth with Cable Co lending, so would really appreciate members experience - (yes, I know, being a bit lazy).

Happy Memorial Day,




I would have to say given your input Cardas, the best you can afford. Definite wait and buy used. Given your equipment I would think stay below $1K… maybe $500.

These should be natural sounding and add a bit of heft to your system while delivering detail.

These AZ Satoris are very good all-around cables and easy to sell if they don’t work out for some reason, and definitely get a Qobuz or Tidal subscription.  Best of luck.

I had TOTEM FORESTs in a prior system, so I know their strengths and warts very well.


They were internally wired with TOTEM’s own TOTEM TRESS speaker cables. The TRESS were essentially knockoff copies of the CHORD RUMOUR and CHORD ODYSSEY speaker cable models: Litz stranded silver plated over copper. The ODYSSEY are identical to the RUMOUR but twice the gauge thickness .(NOTE: The current models are RUMOUR X and ODYSSEY X )

I had the TRESS speaker cables : the extended internal to external cabling using identical speaker cable synergy was intuitive ,


TOTEMs are well documented as power hogs. SIMAUDIO amps are an ideal match for them, as both SIMAUDIO and TOTEM are sited both in Montreal, and both are used to voice each other’s product offerings.

For me ,a full bi-amping was a clear step up from simple cables bi-wiring. I never found the lattter philosophy to work best for me: rather my upgrade to a second separate power amp and full separate speaker runs to the woofers independent of the runs to the tweeters really opened the FORESTs to their max.

In any case, should you elect to go single speaker wire and jumpers, , DO GET quality jumpers made from quality speaker cable as a quality upgrade to the standard jumpers. The OEM supplied ones really did suck.

I compared the CHORD RUMOURs to the TOTEM TRESS in an A-B bakeoff with no apparent performance difference . That’s not surprising given the knock-off similarity with similar gauge and same Litz strand silver over copper construction. Frankly, the CHORD were my slight preferred only because the insulation visually appeared a bit better….but not a big deal