CAL ICON MKII CD player replacement

Hello all,
I have an older cal icon mk ii CD player in need of replacement. While I really do enjoy its sound, I opened it up the other day and it looks like some of the caps are about to go. I fear it's days are numbered and I will be in search of a new CD player shortly. I am capable of the necessary repairs if I can find the parts as I have an electrical engineering background. Due to its age however, I am wondering if anyone knows of a current model player with a similar sound. As I've stated in previous threads, I live in a very rural area and the nearest audio shop is over 4 hours away. I know the best way to pick one to to go audition some, but I would like to build a list of candidates before I make the 4+ hour trip and come home empty handed.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am more of a vinyl listener, so cd is my secondary source. Looking to keep the price around $500.00. If anyone has another icon mk ii or cl-15 you are looking to unload, please let me know. I really love the CAL sound. It just seems to work great in my system.
Thanks in advance,
The skipper
I have a similar (sightly older) Marantz DVD player that also plays CDs. Good sound + solid value. You can see it in my system pic montage in the wood audio stand just below the old Dual turntable.
I once had a newer Marantz CDP which I bought new a few yrs ago. Model I'm not sure of, it might of been the 6004. I personally did not like the sound. I sold and bought my Rotel RCD971. If you buy one, make sure the merchant has a return policy. Right now there's or was ? on Agon a Marantz 63 SE for $125. I'd get that and see if it works for you. I think the NAD sound is closer to your Cal. Perhaps look for a used Nad 542. Hope things work out! Bill