Calling all First Sound Preamp Owners

For those First Sound preamp owners, I'd like to know if you feel that using a line conditioner with it (either a power regenerator or passive filter) is superior to using just a power cord plugged directly into the wall socket, albiet a high quality power cord? I'm trying to decide which way to go and would appreciate your comments.

I purchased my pair from Kevin at Upscale Audio, which I believe is an A'Gon dealer on here as well. Their website is

Good luck.
Post removed 
THANKS all for your insight thus far. Despite a secondary thread begining to develop here about tube replacements, I think the concensus to my posted question is to forget using a line conditioner with the FS preamp. On a related note, I was speaking with Bea from VTL today about the same two issues (power cord upgrade or to use a line condition on the VTL amp) and she suggested that tube rolling would provide more benefit than replacing the stock power cord. Specifically she suggested replacing the Svetlanna 6550 tubes with KT88 and thought that plugging the amp directly into the wall outlet would be best. Seems to be some consistent information across manufacturers.

Audiofankj -- thanks for the tip on locating the Siemens 7308 tubes @ Upscale Audio.
Tvad -- thanks for the heads up on the alternative tubes both 7308 and 6922's. I haven't heard of the "Joe's Tube Lore" article so thanks kindly for bringing it to my attention.

Happy listening all.
In case you were wondering, I bought an Audience PowerChord (4ft) for my First Sound preamp and an Audience AU24 interconnect between my Audio Aero CDP and First Sound and it all sound marvelous, especially when my VTL St-150 amp is in Tetrode mode (more air around the instruments, better soundstage etc.).

I expect to buy another Audience powercord and interconnect for the amp and between pre & amp.

Kevin, if you buy the KT-88s from VTL, make sure their tube warranty applies if you are using a non-VTL preamp.