Calling all Proceed AVP 2 owners..please advise

Guys..just trying again to see if I cen get some feedback on whether the upgrade I have on order(with no sign of being filled yet I might add)is worth it.....2 channel priority with arcam transport feeding it but also interested in surround differences experienced...its $5000 aud so no chickenfeed..but just about everything is expensive here...thanks

I found the upgrade to be a definite improvement in
2 channel performance. I frontend the transport (PMDT)
with a Meridian 518 and now set it to 24 bit to feed
the new DACs. Sounds great. Seems alot more crisp
with finer detail, yet still smooth. The AVP was
very smooth, maybe a bit too much however. The additional
surround modes seem useful, although I don't use them for
2 channel listening. I haven't played with the crossover
points yet. Again, I don't use the sub in 2 channel either.
Let's hope for continued "trickle down" from the #40
Console, what this platform is supposed to be based upon.
By the way, the HDCD addition was nice as well.
I'd like to think we'll see more trickle down from the No. 40, but with Harmon dropping the Proceed line, I'd be awfully surprised if we see any more upgrades to the AVP. Too's a great unit.
Rsuminsby thanks for your response to my enquiry on an earlier thread....I only now came across it and I thankyou for your observations...I wonder if this same bug has affected all the upgrades...I noticed another thread earlier with a guy complaining of problems with dd and dts ...sounds like you are very dubious of the north american sales director on the earlier thread who promised that software updates to the ml would be available to the avp 2? cheers
Thanks joemt as well for your thoughts....can I ask you both whether you noticed more bass with the avp2..Ive felt that the avp is a little bass shy...although at least in digital mode I have wondered whether it may be a malady connected to my Pioneer Elite 47a which compared to my old Toshiba really has not impressed me

The "quality" of the bass has increased in the
jump from AVP to AVP2 in my case. I never felt the
AVP really lacked in bass. The new setup produces
a tighter bass response in my opinion. I've yet to
reach my final configuration, did I say final?
I still want to get my vandersteen subs integrated
in. I had them hooked up in a single config, but want
to move to the Number 5 crossover, balanced. Then
everything will be adjustable. Thin sounding cd's,
no problem, add some gain on the sub. Heavy miked
cd's on acoustic bass, turn 'em down a bit.
Can't wait.....

Joe T.