Campfire Trifecta cable recommendations

After 200 hours break in Campfire Trifecta sounds bright using iBasso and iFi headphone amps. With the supplied balanced cable, the Trifecta sounds better - less bright. Campfire suggests switching to an all copper cable. Any and all experience using balanced all copper cable with this IEM would be much appreciated. In particular has anyone tried Cardas Beyond Clear? (even though it has some silver it is mostly copper)

* Campfire Solaris sounds fine with iBasso and iFi. It's the Trifecta that sounds bright.


I’ll ask again — what specific iBasso and iFi players are you using?

DX320 and iCan.

The Solaris sounds fine with these amps as I said in my original post. I was surprised the Trifecta which is also made by Campfire sounds so bright.

Have you listened to the Trifecta?

Maybe it’s worth trying the Amp 13 card with the iBasso (if you’re not already using it of course)?  This review seems to indicate it might be a better fit for something like the Trifecta.  Frankly I find the reviewer to be a bit confusing as he seems to say contradictory things about the same product that I find confusing and frustrating, but weeding through his crap writing this seemed at least worth mentioning in your case.  FWIW and hope this is somewhat helpful.

The Effects Audio Eros S First Anniversary Edition tames the highs on the Trifecta while keeping the transparency. Meatier bass a bonus.

The Eros and the Campfire cables are fine.  A lot of brightness or sibilance in my case were related to choices of tips.  The Trifecta is very picky with them. Patience pays later on with the right ones.