@mapman ...*L* Only vaguely jealous of you having heard some MBLs' IRL...
I'd love to.....but, would be insanely tempted to sell what's left of my immediate family into leather slavery to the aliens and what's left of my organs to a mystery market.... "Use or eat with whatever, I don't give a ....."
When I first heard of the MBLs.....I thought "Game may not be over, but they can only make them smaller....less $s' would be nice, too..." ;)
Nice to read that John (and others...*S*...feel that the Ohms' (and Walsh in general) can still punch at Goliaths' knees... ;)
All that's needed is to pop a little higher.
One might get kicked....but you've gotten some attention. *G*
Holographic....and here I thought that was the Idea in the first place.
Something to stare at...
Once upon a place... I owned a C9....with the Kenwood L07 system (tuner/pre/07M mono amps, the cables for them, an AudioControl C-101 eq with the mic for room eq, ESS AMT-1Cs', Sony CD, Revox A77, Technics SL-10...
...about as SOTA as I could afford to go at that time, in that place...
(Of Course, there was Better...There's Always Better...But, It worked.)
And, so did the C9....when the recording and that 'Polk in the box ' agreed to 'mesh'.
When they did....Didn't need no herbal or chem compensation, no...
When no, easy 'nuff to bypass...
Of late, I've been able to edge back to 'more of that' with surround Walsh...and surround Heils; yes, dipoles & omnis. Haven't gotten around to the SMGa Maggies', but...
It's nice to have goals...*L*
I let that C9 slip away.....
Time to revisit....'Back to the Future Through the Past!'
(Oh, the last comment on the HF VCorner....is not me...but note the date....)
Surrealistically yours, J