. Can a well constructed plant table provide the same isolation as an audio rack??

I am getting tired at looking at my vertical audio rack which is a Sanus 4 shelf rack.  Audio  racks often make it difficult to hook up components and also clean them.

I once used a sturdy plant table that was about 51 inches long .I realize that such a table has to be at least 18 inches wide and waist high. Large power amps ( 65lbs) can always be placed on an amp stand under the table if their weight will warp the table top

Not looking for a  piece of  stylish component furniture which can be equally difficult to clean and can cost  $2000-$3000 plus.

Recommendations needed

Thank you



A plastic called acetal (brand name Delrin) has excellent properties for a shelf. It is strong, easily shaped, and is a very poor transmitter of vibration.

A 1" slab of that under your turntable should work very nicely with any old table. Cost, a few hundred.

Thanks to all who responded so far. I only used the term  "plant stand" because incidental or foyer tables are not an option. I wasn't necessarily pleased with the plant stand because it had slate squares embedded in the top; I assume that was to insulate the wood against a dripping plant. It also made the top  less level. The stand is currently in another room and over the years has gotten a bit shaky in the legs, even though it has a long bottom shelf that acts as a cross beam and connects to the stands legs which are fairly thick

To  cd318: a similar table stand would be sited between the speakers and  would  rest on medium thick area run.  Each components currently rests on 4 rubber/cork 2 inch squares which offer some vibration control. The turntable sits on an Auralex base purchased from Music Direct for $70.00 and offers enough isolation for an inexpensive U-TURN  TT  I have.

As I mentioned in the thread's text, a table stand makes it easier to hook up the components and clean them back front and back. I have a monster amp the BAT VK-200 which weigh about is 65 lbs, but feels like a 100 lbs when lifting it. That would probably be located on Pangea amp stand under the table..



I just received two custom made wood racks from a small South Carolina company called
Custom Racks They are made of seriously thick maple and walnut. The cost for each was about $1900 dollars. They are quite heavy and extremely rigid. The vibration transfer is extremely low. These have been the best improvement to my system EVER. I suggest that you talk with Mike at Custom Racks listed here on Audiogon under furniture. They can
pretty much custom make exactly what you want.

FYI, I have no connection with this company.
Tennis balls, cut in half, can offer a surprising amount of isolation in some instances. Place three or four under the component. Try them "upside down" or "right side up". They have worked for me, but as usual YMMV.
