Hey, what I think is going on more likely is you are training your own ear-brain mechanism.
It's like learning to read upside down. For a while, you have to work at it, and then one day, bam, you can read upside down just fine, but you no longer can read normal directions of writing correctly. Same kind of thing has been tested with watching TV.
You are flipping the phase, your ear/brain mechanism is going "oh, look, something new!" and then one day your ear/brain gets used to it and that sensation is gone.
It's like learning to read upside down. For a while, you have to work at it, and then one day, bam, you can read upside down just fine, but you no longer can read normal directions of writing correctly. Same kind of thing has been tested with watching TV.
You are flipping the phase, your ear/brain mechanism is going "oh, look, something new!" and then one day your ear/brain gets used to it and that sensation is gone.