Can I nominate Sean please ?

Someone mentioned that Sean was the" Audio Altruist of the Year" in a thread I was reading tonight.This was due to his exhaustive generosity in sharing his knowlege with everyone so unselfishly and so often. I responded in agreement in the thread but felt it should be reintroduced . I have learned more in 6 months reading past discussions he was involved in than 10 years of talking with audio salespeople who ooze misinformation at every gasp and audio journalism with commercial agendas. I too nominate Sir Sean as " Audio Altruist of the Year " . Honorable mentions go out to others who also give of themselves and who I follow as well. These are but a few : Albertporter , Dekay , Detlof , Gunbei , Psychicanimal , TWL , Phasecorrect , Sugarbrie , tok2000 , Tireguy , Mejames , subarguru , zaikesman , Stehno and Mike Lavigne. For those I forgot or left out ; my apologies. So here is a toast to you Sean; may we all stay in touch and be friends .
WOW !?!?! What can i say ??? To say that such recognition is not liked would be silly. At the same time, i don't do what i do in hopes of receiving anything out of it other than the joy of being able to help others out AND learn from others experiences / points of view. I feel HIGHLY honoured to say the least and consider myself in great company if i am thought of as being in the same league as the others mentioned. Even if we have disagreed about specific subjects at times, i think that we all share the same love of music and respect each others' thoughts and opinions.

Other than that, it is too bad that there isn't some "local joint" that all of us on Agon could get together, hang out and have a few coffee's / cocktails and listen to music / check out gear. Since we don't have anything like that at our disposal, i guess that we'll have to settle for this : )

THANK YOU Arnie & crew for making all of this possible. THANKS to everyone that contributes to these forums. After all, without the diversity of opinions and experiences that are expressed here, there wouldn't be anything to learn or share : ) Sean

PS... How much money do i owe you for this Brent ? : )

My sentiments exactly.
This two-channel bug has bitten me pretty hard to the point where, over the last year or so, I have been printing out and reading MANY old threads in this forum. The names listed above have repeatedly contributed exceptional advice.
Thank you to all.

It's nice to see people giving credit where credit is due instead of always pointing out the negative. How much did you end up paying Brent Sean? I will have to budget that much for next year! LOL! But be careful of those Tireguy and Mike LaVigne characters, getting too close to them can cost you money.