Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???

One of my buds has a pair of the original Sonus Faber Concertino speakers(bi-wireable)partnered with a Peachtree Audio Decco,driven by a HP Laptop & cabled with all Audioquest copper cables(usb,power & speaker).While listening to my new Toy Monitors & Peachtree Audio MusicBox driven by an Asus Laptop recently he commented that he was able to hear treble frequencies(especially cymbals)on my system much better than on his & wondered if anything short of changing speakers could be done.
I have read that Silver Plated Copper cables tend to sound a touch brighter than all copper & was wondering if you folks think switching to all Silver Plated Copper(i'm thinking Nordost or DH Labs)cables might bring the treble up a bit in his system?
Thanks for your input,take care...
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So true Elizabeth. I ran into this problem once and thought it was my speakers. I put my old ones back and low and behold it was my new amp and preamplifier. I gave it three months of break in and nothing changed. The amp and pre were from the same company as well and were meant to be together but they sucked to every single person that heard them. That was when I started to take advice from all of you on Agon (with a grain of salt). The best advice ive ever been given is in home audition. If you cant do it, don't buy it. Its that simple. If you don't you're setting yourself up for disappointment. There is the possibility that something is broken, wired incorrectly or a setting is botched.
As a former SF Concertino owner -- no. You can tune the sound to shift the balance towards more top end illumination but these speakers are very midrange focused with subdued treble such that that is their sonic signature, IMO. Beautiful with voices and stringed instruments, terrible with rock. They sure are great looking speakers and so well crafted, though.
Try Cables First...Most of mine are silver coated copper, not by design, but after much trial and error. Best clarity and transparency, bass impact and midrange tone. YMMV. I strongly suggest you try Mapleshade speaker cables. It will brighten and make the sound more lively. Try this before a more expensive change.

They will be stark and stunning at first, but will mellow somewhat with age.