Can tube preamps be as 'detailed' sounding as ss?

Recently I bought a minimax tubed preamp. After several weeks of listening and comparing to my Plinius Cd-Lad pre, I've decided I like some things about the minimax, but more things about the Plinius
1. minimax adds a sense of realism and increased soundstage depth a little
2. minimax added more hiss to the system
3. better bass with the Plinius
4. better details and clarity with the Plinius
5. Wider soundstage with Plinius

I really enjoyed the increase sense of realism though. Is it possible that a better tubed pre (such as Cary slp-98) would retain the clarity and details of the Plinius and add the midrange lushness? Or would a hybrid tube pre give the best of both worlds (like a Cary slp-308)?
thanks for your thoughts
rest of system, Bryston 3bst, Ayre cx-7, Audio Physics Libra
Basically, the conclusion you came to while comparing the 2 preamps doesn't characterize neither tube preamps nor SS ones. There are tube preamps out there that can blow you away with the detail, imaging, dynamic drive and soundstage depth and width.

Is it possible that a better tubed pre (such as Cary slp-98) would retain the clarity and details of the Plinius and add the midrange lushness? Or would a hybrid tube pre give the best of both worlds (like a Cary slp-308)?

My answer is yes. It is possible.

Some tube preamps you may want to check out for the above qualities are:

ARC(older, with 6922 tubes) LS-15/16MkI, LS-25MkI, LS-5

Sonic Frontiers

Aesthetix Calypso


Blue Circle BC3000 MkII.

If you won't be impressed with what these tube preamps can do, then SS is your game.

" designs are inherently noisier than solid state. Tube designs start out with that disadvantage. It may be possible that the top dollar preamps can overcome that disadvantage, but why spend all that money when solid state is available?"

It doesn't take top dollar tube pre's by any means. I run a TAD150sig...not a hint of silence until the tube CDP has something say(from a CD). Same experience from a tube integrated...maybe I'm just lucky.., but neither are top dollar machines.
i think the better tube and ss preamps try to approach the area of sound you are looking for. check out the modwright and sas in tube and the sonic euphoria in passive for example. all 3 offer astonishing windows into the music. i think the best in tube and ss technology are converging to the same area.
As has been pointed out previously, tube designs are inherently noisier than solid state. Tube designs start out with that disadvantage. It may be possible that the top dollar preamps can overcome that disadvantage, but why spend all that money when solid state is available? The only thing a tube design will give you over SS is a higher level of distortion. Some people like it, but it's not accurate, i.e., it's not on the recording.

Ever wonder why there are so many tube based microphone and guitar amps around? It may be a shock to you but there are sound engineers who use tubes in their gear mix. Harmonic content is important to some ears you know.
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