Can you hear matched power cables?

I recently read some Shunyata marketing material on the Venom 3s which posited that an audio system should have a matched set of power cables (V3s, of course). I have a couple of (really heavy) Virtual Dynamics cables, a Pangea 9, and a couple of cables delivered with the components. I'd like to upgrade those remaining generic cables, and wonder what the difference is between a mixed set and matched set of cables. I can't really hear any difference when I switch my current fat cables around.

The question becomes, is it worth replacing the Virtual Dynamics and generic cables with Pangeas, or replacing all cables with V3s, or just get a couple of either the Pangeas or V3s to replace the generic cables?

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences with this. Of course, my ears will tell the story, and some companies will let a buyer return a cable, so tell me what you discovered.
Make sure you ID them blind-folded if you don't mind if somebody from your family or friends would reconnect them for you.
Try also the stock ones during that test.
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That's a good question. The problem I have found is that not every cable works well in all systems. Matched or not.
I have two MAC HC Soundpipes on my CDP and amp. I didn't mean to match them, I just tried the MAC and liked what it did on my CDP so I bought one for my amp.
I have found that if I buy one PC that does well with my source component, it will do well with my amp also.
Mix matching works well also if your tuning with the PC's.
Find a PC that works well on your source and chances are it will work well throughout the rest of your system.
Again, it's not to say that you have to use matching PC's, it's the synergy of one that works on the front end should work with the rest.
Hope this helps.