I am fortunate to have the Apogee Scintillas and I will keep them until I die. Had them for 34 years, and will plan for another 34 years. I am planning to acquire another pair and do some time alignment mods, upgrade the caps, new ribbons and have them rebuilt. I think there is a little more to be gained by such improvements. Source is a Naim NDX Streamer into an Allegri+ TVC for volume control, direct driving a Krell KSA-80B and they sound fabulous. Source material is Naim Core RIP of CD's, TIDAL, and Hi REz downloads from ProStudioMasters & HD Tracks. Also upgrading to the ND555/PS555 streamer later this month.
It had a very natural soundstage and nuanced details.
It is very nice for you to keep your Apogee Scintillas for your life.
I hope you enjoy it for your life.