Can you recommend a small (in size) Amplifier 150 -250 W Power per channel

I want to replace my FPB250m monoblocks and KRC-3 preamp with an integrated Amp,What would be the smallest (in dimensions) integrated amp that you would recommend that could drive Totem Mani2s ( recommended amplifier requirement for these speakers is : 40-200W (4 ohms).- but in reality below 150-200 W does not go well)
A little off topic but arun3101, how did you find the match between the KRC-3 and the 250s? Did you try any other preamps with the monoblocs in your time with them?


No I did not try. I jumped from Krell Integrated to Krc3+250s. Loved the change. Never changed my system since then.(Wish I changed the Wadias before the Company died, but they are so good).

To all of you above :

Thank you all for taking your time to help me with your suggestions. All of these are fantastic suggestions, each one appeared to be exactly what I am looking for. So now I have the daunting (but fun) task of choosing between these. And I really appreciate all your help.
