Can you share your older Pass Labs experiences?

I had a Pass unit several years ago, and really liked the old Nakamichi SR-3a I had.  What can you share as to a good used Pass integrated or pre/power to consider?  Would be using them with a small set of Quad speakers or one of two Magnepan 1.7 or 3.7.  Thanks   
I have owned Pass amps for 40 years and very highly recommend them. I only recently moved to a tube amp. They are built like tanks, have high current designs, with excellent neutral / natural  sound.
I’ve had several of their amps in my system over the years, built wonderful but not musical to my ears, I tired of them quickly YMMV.
I think, as always, if you are buying new you should listen to 3 brands:


Very different sounds to my ears, and among those you should pick whichever suits you best.
I'm using a 250.8 and an XP 10 to power my Maggie 3.7i the sound is amazing, you're never going to run out of power.
I'm sure you could get by with one of their less powerful amplifiers or integrated if you want. I made my purchase when I read the Maggie, Pass combo won the best at show a few years ago. This sounds like a forever system.