Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp

I've just bought a S/H Cary PH302 mk-2 phono amp.
I noticed that the 2 caps near front tubes, C15 & C16, appear to be different to the caps shown in the pictures on the Cary website.
Upon closer inspection it appears that these may have been changed by a previous owner. See pic below:
Cary PH302 Capacitors

The substituted caps(?) are Multicap PPMFX types, 1.0uF/200V.
I found a capacitor test that rates these caps very poorly.
My question is what were the original capacitor types and value.
Any suggestions for substitution, other than original?
Ceph44, I don't have direct experience using the Audio 1 oil caps for coupling (though my impressions of the cap in a PS application seems to mirror those who have).

I'm sure they would be 'smooth' if that's what you're after - I was initially beguiled by the sound of the stock PH302.
However, if my experience is anything to go by, I'm guessing you'll eventually grow disatisfied with the sound because at the end of day it makes music sound less real. YMMV.
Thanks, Tobes. Your input is truly appreciated. I think we are on the same page...I don't like my sound unnaturally smooth, I go for tri-dimentional, accurate, transparent, natural sound, no extra detail, no euphonic colorations. After all the name of the game in its origins was--and still is for me--"Hi-Fidelty." A lot of gourmet, a la carte audio,away from ultimate fidelity, aimed at obtaining a sound that pleases (sounds nice)to the listener's is out there under the "audiophilia" banner.

In my particular case,I have several bona fide hi-end preamps (3 tubed and 2 solid state) and amps (2 tubed and 4 solid state, as well as DACs (1 tubed and 4 solid state). So, besides potential tube/capacitor rolling (not into op-amp rolling yet), I can mix and match components approching that evasive ultimate fidelity, gradually, like a shooter hitting the target and approching the bulls eye from different directions. I dare to surmise that you had initially too much of the tube recipe, and removing the oil capacitor's added "smothness" out of you Cary phono-pre, your main source, improved significantly for you the whole downstream performance of your very fine tube-centric system.

All the best, Cep44
06-21-11: Theaudiotweak
.....The MR is a much cleaner and more neutral cap in my particular device than was the S/O it replaced. The MR is much quieter yet insightful and more musical. The bass is smoother and more detailed and controlled. Vocal placement and outline is more defined but the biggest difference in these two caps are the dynamic contrasts. The Mundorf seems to have a staggering mind of its own. In the course of a recording I seemed to be grasping for the volume control wanting to turn it up or down depending on the sonic impulse. It was if I were waiting for someone to rap on the door or a drummer to knock over his cymbal all in the course of one recording. In contrast the MR is much more linear and stable in its tracking of the sudden impulses in the music is not at all compressed. The staging on the MR is more defined and detailed almost with a three d affect all with no perception of phase shift or crawl.......Tom

Tom, out of curiosity I tried the Clarity cap MR's - in both my SP16 preamp and the Cary PH302.
I didn't have the quirky dynamics you report with the Mundorf SIO but other than that I pretty much agree with your assessment.
I do find the Clarity caps more explosively dynamic than the Mundorfs as well as being more transparent, open and neutral. Soundstaging - width, depth, imaging, reproduction of space is no contest - Clarity caps all the way. I can't think of a single area where the SIO outperform the MR's but the former do exhibit a certain seductive liquidity that the Clarity caps don't have. However I much prefer the transparency and realism of the Clarity caps. The MR's also sound great - smooth, detailed and very open - from the start and even better after 10-20hrs - no long breakin required.
I wouldn't have thought it previously, but the SIO sound a bit colored and opaque by comparison.

Thanks for the heads-up.
Cheers, Paul

I have a Ph 302 MkII and was surfing the forums and came across your discussion of capacitors for the PH 302 -- in the end what modifications did you do to your Cary phono and please describe the changes --

I'd appreciate the info.

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