I had the process done on my Golden Reference for $300, and the improvement is obvious. Smoother, more information coming through, more organic. I'm very happy with the results.
As far as the comments casting doubt on the value, this is my understanding of the process after speaking with a Cardas technician:
Day one: Old terminations removed. Ends are dipped in solvent to remove the clear coat on every strand.
Day two: dipped again, while being agitated. Set out to dry
Day three: unwind the conductors using a couple of wire wheel hand tools to remove remaining residue from stripping process. Two stage crimping process, resulting in each strand being fused into a solid lump, and then fused onto spades.
A word about the spades: they are not cheap. They are machined pure copper spades with silver plate and rhodium flash.
This sounds like a labor-intensive, time consuming process to do 8 of these. Regardless, I've spend a lot more money to get less improvement in sound. There are always going to be nay-sayers. Hearing is believing.