"Cars are Cars" by Paul Simon...are my channels reversed?

I could use some help from the Agon community. On the above track on the VINYL version of the album "Hearts and Bones", the lyric "drive on the left" comes out of my right-hand speaker and the lyric "drive on the right" comes out of my left-hand speaker. It appears I have all my connections perfect, including the cart connections. 

When I listen to this track on Spotify, the lyric "left" comes out of the left speaker and the lyric "right" comes out of the right speaker.

If you have this record, could you please listen to this track and let me know what you hear. Thanx very much.
Perfectly normal. Your pressing is British. They all drive on the left.
You are the best qualified to determine whether or not your channels are reversed.  Did you check your system from front to back, for that problem? What did you find?  If there's no obvious error in your hook-ups, and if other vinyl sounds correctly oriented, then I would guess you have no problem.  One could guess that the LP and the digital version are different from each other.