Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have

The thread about what AudiogoNers drive is fun to see, but I was wondering what kind of motorcycles are represented by the crazy people here? I know this has been discussed a little on other threads, but If we can slip this by the censors, it might be fun.

I have a Victory V92C. It's a few years old now, but it still a fun cruiser!

What about you?
I am riding a Yamaha FJ 1100, the last of the great air cooled bikes. But now it is 1400 cc's, flat slide Keihn carbs, Carillo rods, titanium valves, Perf. machine brakes/floating rotors, puffed out swing arm, gumball 17" tires f/r, 4 into 2 exhaust, stock cam timing, rebuilt trans. with stock gearing--and there is not a bike made that can touch it in a top gear roll on.
Oh my gosh, that is a reaaaally pristene piece. Funny how some things go up in price. I see why you want one.

Don't tell anybody, but I paid $800 for my wifes YSR50 as a Christmas present in 90 or 91. I have seen them for sale recently over $3M and not in as good of a condition and not all original.

Does this ever happen in Audio gear. I am aware of something of a collectors market in "antique" gear, but just good functionality that actually appreciates over time? Or is it more a matter of art?

PS. - Huntermusic - That is a pretty bold statement. I get large displacement and what it provides, but cripes, there are so many lightweight hot rods being built out of the factories?

Jim S.

As the ol' saying goes, "Nothing exceeds like excess!".



In about 1991 or 92, I paid $1100 for a pristine stock 1983 RZ350-TC in Team America colors. The owner had only replaced the pipes and even supplied the "like new" stock catalytic pipes with the bike. Of course I immediately modified the crap out of it. Anyway, sold it for $1800 4 years later. Heck, if I had left it stock and pristine, it would likely have been worth more, but it wouldn't have been as much fun.