Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?

Just curious. People have asked about watches,
cigars, beer, and even ones income here.

1: What do you drive (daily & weekends)?
2: What might you be driving in the future?
3: What would you drive if $$$ was no object (pick 2 ;-)?

My answers to the above:
1: Toyota truck.
2: Newer Toyota truck.
3: Lamborghini Murcielago & McLaren F1.
While I have to much common sense to be called an Audiophile. I enjoy driving fast. I judge a car by its evasive manuverability. The safest car to drive fast, is the best handling car. The best handing cars have engines behind the driver and in front of the rear wheels for balance.
Houndco:>1: What do you drive?
Houndco:>2: What might you be driving in the future?
Boxster S
Houndco:>3: What would you drive if $$$ was no object?
McLaren MP4-12C
Sumflow, I agree with mid engine concept. In 1976 my best bud had a Fiat X1/9 and we worked it with Abarth suspension, intake, and exhaust upgrades. It still had way less than a hundred horses but that was no comfort to the 'Vette driver chasing us one night who didn't make the last turn before Saratoga on Hwy 9 and plowed sideways into the concrete bridge rails. I drive a pickup truck now but I have a couple motorcycles that will spank your Porsche. Kind of like tubes vs. SS-both good but a matter of preference. Enjoy that McLaren....