I just sold my VPI Scout to replace it with a VPI Classic. My system is as follows : Whest PS.30R Phono Amp Musical Fidelity A5CR Pre Amp 2xMusical Fidelity A3CR Power Amps biamping Proac D15 Nordost Red Dawn/SPM Interconnects/Speaker Cable (I may look to change these)
I like my system but I'm a bit disappointed with the slight harshness in the top end, especially in reproduction of sibilance which I would like a cartridge to handle well.
I'm considering the following: Benz Glider SL Benz Wood SL Dynavector 17D3 Dynavector XX2 MKII Soundsmith VPI Zephyr
Any others that I should consider? Any advice/experiences?
Hope you are enjoying your new cartridge. I have a classic table and just upgraded to a wood sl from a denon 103r after having snapped off the cantilever on the denon. The Benz is a very nice cartridge and is much quieter in the groove and much more neutral sounding.
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