I tend to agree with Ralph on this issue. I have no direct experience
with the Tri-Planar, but agree that people tend to underestimate the
value of a fully adjustable tonearm and a well adjusted cartridge as
opposed to spending mega-bucks on a cartridge. Note that Ralph's
experience with a cutting lathe, and knowing exactly what sound was
engraved on a subsequent record is invaluable, and is the kind of
experience that few on the site can use as a reference, no matter how
many mega-bucks they have to spend.I have never found any of the advice
given by Ralph on this site to be in error, and the characterization of
his advice by Raulruegras as stupid, is reprehensible.
@oldears : good for you now that you are deep inside the land.
R. |
Some interesting information being exchanged here.
So let’s talk about adjustability - or if someone could point me to some comprehensive threads about the subject, that would be great.
When I bought my last cartridge in the late 80’s, I trusted me dealer to install it then I messed with the VTA until I got the best sound. My dealer is long gone but I just bought a Feickert setup protractor. I want to check my current setup and also experiment with my very old cartridge, a Madrigal Carnegie One while inspecting my Audioquest B200L under a microscope.
Is the Ittok very adjustable? Are there any parts of setup that people typically get wrong or I should watch up for when using the Feickert with my Linn? I’m pretty detail minded and competent with intricate work, I make acoustic guitars (from scratch, not kits) as a hobby.
You have no idea what you are talking about and your statements are boarding stupidity land.
Again, after LP cartridge is the most important item in the analog rig. You might try it. I discovered that the arm is more important when one channel of my Transfiguation failed and I had to send it back. While it was gone I needed something to play, and the only thing around at the time was a Grado Green new in the box. Since the Triplanar is so adjustable it was a cinch to set it up right- I was only setting it up so I could play something but its so easy to do I spent the time to be precise; but still I was unprepared for what happened next. And that was that the Grado was perfectly able to easily track anything I threw at it. This was a bit of a surprise as a $35.00 cartridge shouldn't have been able to do that according to my beliefs at the time. It was a bit forward sounding but then I remembered how important loading is for high output cartridges, so I set it up with a 10K resistor on the cartridge loading strip on the back of my preamp, and then it was just as relaxed and detailed as my Tranfiguration. There was no torture track it didn't handle with great ease. The real difference between the two was that it obviously had more output. Since then I've seen this simple fact play out again and again. Now we all know that if a cartridge isn't set up right it can have more distortion- and this is easily measured. And we also know that some arms simply won't allow you to set up a cartridge correctly as some of the adjustments needed to dial it in simply don't exist. So its not stupid- in fact I am suggesting quite the opposite: if you can't set up the cartridge properly you are leaving performance on the table! This should be really obvious to any audiophile... Now this is something that I have no surprise that I might get pushback for; the last thing you want to hear if you spent top dollar on a cartridge is finding out a few hundred dollars at the most may have served just as well, but keep in mind that a Triplanar is a $5500.00 instrument and not everyone has one. Some people might say 'well what about loading on that moving coil' and of course I've answered that many times (look elsewhere on this forum); its simply not a variable. One other thing- obviously people if they are thinking about this might be curious what I'm running now and at home its still the Transfiguration. This is for several reasons- the first is that it sounds just fine so I'm not motivated to cause my hand to move and replace it with something less expensive just because I can. The second is the Transfiguration has held up surprisingly well over the last ten years and to my knowledge, most MM cartridges would have had the suspension of the cantilever fail at least twice in that time. Finally, as a manufacturer if I have a client come to my home, I don't have to explain to them the reasoning behind an inexpensive cartridge- this last bit due to a phenomena known as the Veblen Effect |
Dear @atmasphere : """
but still I was unprepared for what happened next. And that was that the Grado was perfectly able to easily track anything I threw at it. This was a bit of a surprise as a $35.00 cartridge shouldn't have been able to do that according to my beliefs at the time. """ You was surprised due that in those times you really was a roockie on cartridges and not because your tonearm. So, you " learned " but your assumpiton was and still is wrong. Take a look to what with this same Grado cartridge owners posted in AudioReview forum and all of them with inexpensive tonearms ( analog rigs. ), no high end with any of them ( but totally way entry level items. ) and the same Grado Green performed as you " discovered " ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? : ""
[Nov 05, 2015]AudioladAudioPhile
In 2015 the Green is improved, with my Denon DB300F table (internally grounded), Vincent PHO-8 preamp, and there is no hum. I've used this for several years after tiring of the Audio Technica 440MLa and its piercing out of proportion highs. I highly recommend this for those who want audiophile quality, at a company set price of $95. Remember about these cartridges because you can go all the way to the best prestige stylus without replacing the
[Oct 05, 2010]abcxyzAudio Enthusiast I picked up this Grado to use on my Rega P3 turntable but it hummed too much due to the internal grounding that the RB250 tonearm has did not match at all with this Grado. Conversely, with it on my Technics Q3, it grounds to the phono preamp and that eliminated any hum from the Grado and left me with and outstanding soundstage and natural sounding. With the right turntable, this cartridge makes my music sound so open, warm, and detailed! It replaced the AT95SE cartridge that I was using on my Technics Q3 that is tipped more to the treble side of things.
Purchased this cartridge for $40 at Audio Systems in Austin, Texas. They are still one of the few remaining Audio showroom stores in Austin, Texas. Mark, the owner, is particularly helpful and friendly with all his customers.
Strengths: For $40, it sounds about as good as those $300 MC cartridges that I tried.
Weaknesses: Audible humming with Rega turntables that are grounded internally. [Feb 21, 2009]ARJohnAudio Enthusiast
This is for the Green , picked it up in the spring on a whim at a local retail store . First off it sounded good but hummed on my table , not real bad but I could notice it . I tried a few headshells and wires still had the hum . Switched it over to my Thorens 160 and hardly any hum at all ? I was taken by the sound , really smooth and musical . It has replaced a V15 IV with new stylus , just so much more engaging , can listen for hours . I also came into a new AT155LC that sold for $250 back when new and loved it at first , but after a month or so back to the green as my main cart . These are picky on set up and I fiddled a lot to get the sound right , numerous set-ups with various protractors but have it perfect. I have no inner groove distortion and the very slight hum is only noticable at 11 o'clock setting on the volume without the sytlus on the record . For the $62 cdn I paid it can't be beat , the stylus for my V15 was $90 US and the Green is to my ears much better .My next step will be the Platimum or Sonata .I also have a recently aquired Grado XT+ with a new Green stylus but it is not as good as the real Green , but shares the musicality of the Grado line . OVERALL[Feb 08, 2009]brendonlaAudio Enthusiast
Bought this to replace the Audio Technica cartridge and stylus that came with my Teac P595 belt-drive turntable that I bought from J&R Au """
I hope that can help you. Yes, tonearm is important but TT too and phono stage and speakers and cables, and..., and,,,, etc. etc.
That is not the issue graded priorities are.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS, R