Dear Raul, My point is that questions about ''all carts'' make no
sense. This in contradistinction with particular cartridges. You
own the most carts among us while your capability is to judge
their quality. We all profited from your contributions about
specific carts. I bought all MM carts which you recommeded
despite the fact that I prefer MC carts. So, to use you own argument,
we can learn from your knowledge about specific carts. However
this does not apply for your many disputes.
sense. This in contradistinction with particular cartridges. You
own the most carts among us while your capability is to judge
their quality. We all profited from your contributions about
specific carts. I bought all MM carts which you recommeded
despite the fact that I prefer MC carts. So, to use you own argument,
we can learn from your knowledge about specific carts. However
this does not apply for your many disputes.