Cartridge Recommendation

Hi Guys
I need advice on a cartridge recommendation for the following set up. 
Table is a Clear Audio Performance DC with a Clarify Tonearm. Phono is a Avid Pellar. I am currently using the High Output Virtuso V2 that came with the package. I am looking for a low output cartridge in the $1000-1500 budget. I have also used a Dynavector Karat D17 with this table and loved it though I had trouble setting this cart because I feel it was a bit light for the tonearm (compliance?). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
I am looking for tight bass response and mids. 
The DV 17D3 is at the lower end of the stated range for the Clarify arm.  As you note, it can be a tricky set-up because of the super-short cantilever, but the results are worth it.  You could consider the XX2 Mk. II; it is only a bit above your budget range and a dealer might be willing to work with you on a trade-up.  It does have higher mass and the longer cantilever also makes it easier to align, IMO.  I'm very happy with mine and feel the bass is about the same and the mids are better than the 17D3.  My 2 cents FWIW.

Good luck & happy listening!