Cartridge Recommendation

Hi Guys
I need advice on a cartridge recommendation for the following set up. 
Table is a Clear Audio Performance DC with a Clarify Tonearm. Phono is a Avid Pellar. I am currently using the High Output Virtuso V2 that came with the package. I am looking for a low output cartridge in the $1000-1500 budget. I have also used a Dynavector Karat D17 with this table and loved it though I had trouble setting this cart because I feel it was a bit light for the tonearm (compliance?). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
I am looking for tight bass response and mids. 
<Ortofon dealer disclaimer>
The Cadenza Red sounds EXCELLENT :-) and is right in your target price range as well...
Herndon Audio

Purchased the ART 9 thru Juno in the U.K. about 2 months ago. It has 100+ hours on it now and has not ceased to amaze me more each time I listen. This is a no-brainer. There are two available now on eBay by seller 2juki. At $850,this the best price I've seen anywhere. No affiliation here, just follow because I have purchased other items from them in the past. Very reputable. 

I'm buying one after the holdays either way,I am tired of hearing how good that thing is for a g.    lol

+1 on the Soundsmith Carts - I have the Denon DL103 with the Contact Line profile.

I found the MINT Best Tractor to provide the most accurate alignment and best perfromance for this profile. Much more accurate than the free tractors on the web.

This would probably be the case for this profile (or the Shibata or O.C. Contact line profiles) regardless of the cartridge it is attached too.