Cartridge recommendations?

High compliance
4-7 g weight
easily sourced
replaceable stylus
balanced good sound
CHAKSTER, I said I don't recommend a mismatch. I also don't have the cart I recommended but DID compare it to others. In other words I DID make the comparison to other carts therefore not invalidating my comparisons.

Try comparing the MP-110 against any carts from the likes of Ortofon, AT, Grado, and others in the same price range of the Nagaoka, and you will hear as well as see that the Nagaoka is superior. I have the MP-200 on a light weight tonearm and I am getting fantastic results.

You simply don't like Nagaoka. You have stated so in the past. I've tried to be diplomatic with you, but all you insist on doing is spew a un-ending line of stats and figures.

I'm not trying to steer the OP on to a "mistake" as you call it, and I agree not every combination will lead to great results. If you can audition a specific cart. from a dealer, or maybe a friend, such as I did, you will then have a greater scope for comparison. We're not talking thousands of dollars here.

All the best,

What specific tonearm and TT will it be used on?

I may have a few suggestions if I can research the above.

Also, are you still using the Belles phono?

the Belles is in a different system..
I outlined the needed specs.
very light low mass tonearm
Then, that rules out Grado based upon the very low mass arm IMO (too bad).

Good luck with you mystery setup.


Cant believe all the recommendations that dont fit the requirements.

Two cartridge ranges that fit the requirements of
under 7g
high compliance
under $200

Grado Prestige series - high compliance, 5.5gm
Ortofon OM Series - high compliance, 5gm

Note that Audiotechnica 95's/Nagaoka's are NOT high compliance.