Cartridge recommendations?

High compliance
4-7 g weight
easily sourced
replaceable stylus
balanced good sound

Cant believe all the recommendations that dont fit the requirements.

Two cartridge ranges that fit the requirements of
under 7g
high compliance
under $200

Grado Prestige series - high compliance, 5.5gm
Ortofon OM Series - high compliance, 5gm

Note that Audiotechnica 95's/Nagaoka's are NOT high compliance.

all to often I see brand prejudice so I gave the needed specs the brand becomes not relevant 

Grado red3 Compliance CUs: 20

at 95  Static Compliance20 x 10 – 6 cm / dyneDynamic Compliance10 x 10 – 6 cm / dyne (100 Hz)
You can calculate arm and cartridge compatibility putting in the information in this chart. Like I said , the Grado will work fine in a low mass arm!