Cartridge recommendations?

High compliance
4-7 g weight
easily sourced
replaceable stylus
balanced good sound
all to often I see brand prejudice so I gave the needed specs the brand becomes not relevant 

Grado red3 Compliance CUs: 20

at 95  Static Compliance20 x 10 – 6 cm / dyneDynamic Compliance10 x 10 – 6 cm / dyne (100 Hz)
You can calculate arm and cartridge compatibility putting in the information in this chart. Like I said , the Grado will work fine in a low mass arm!
A slight correction to my previous recommendation. The Grado is a moving iron cartridge, not a moving magnet. Alas the Grado recommendation in null and void. If one chose the Grado route regardless of the iron vs magnet engine, the infamous Grado hum scenario now comes into play.