Hi Nrchy,
I'm trying to track down a place to get the Mobile Fidelity "Geo Disk" Called Needle Doctor and they didn't know? In this area, Hi Fi shops are few and far between, and few of them know anything about "Fuzzy Woblies" I've tried to setup a Blue Point Special with a 2 point protractor on a Linn Basik arm on a Rega 2, one of the dealers here has said that protractor alignment isn't very accurate? Which becons the call "Where are the GEO Disk?" Had a table a few years ago that had a Grado aligned with the "Geo Disk" less expensive table, but I feel the footprint was acurate. Any and all responses appreciated..
I'm trying to track down a place to get the Mobile Fidelity "Geo Disk" Called Needle Doctor and they didn't know? In this area, Hi Fi shops are few and far between, and few of them know anything about "Fuzzy Woblies" I've tried to setup a Blue Point Special with a 2 point protractor on a Linn Basik arm on a Rega 2, one of the dealers here has said that protractor alignment isn't very accurate? Which becons the call "Where are the GEO Disk?" Had a table a few years ago that had a Grado aligned with the "Geo Disk" less expensive table, but I feel the footprint was acurate. Any and all responses appreciated..