Cartridge Setup?

Being a confirmed Audiogonoholic, I love the idea of getting a great deal on a cartridge for my just-acquired turntable rig.I hate the idea of going to a dealer and paying retail for a cartridge. But I'm really nervous about the prospect of setting up my own system. Any thoughts?

Thanks, David
Hi Nrchy,
I'm trying to track down a place to get the Mobile Fidelity "Geo Disk" Called Needle Doctor and they didn't know? In this area, Hi Fi shops are few and far between, and few of them know anything about "Fuzzy Woblies" I've tried to setup a Blue Point Special with a 2 point protractor on a Linn Basik arm on a Rega 2, one of the dealers here has said that protractor alignment isn't very accurate? Which becons the call "Where are the GEO Disk?" Had a table a few years ago that had a Grado aligned with the "Geo Disk" less expensive table, but I feel the footprint was acurate. Any and all responses appreciated..
Rwilli6527, I think the Geo-Disc went out of production a year or two back. Try some of the mail-order record oultets. Some suggestions are: ElusiveDisc (, Acoustic Sounds (, Music Direct (, Lyle Cartridges and there are some others. As a last resort palce a wanted ad and watch the "for sale" ads. Good Luck. Doug
Get a cheap tracking force guage and the HI FI NEWS test LP. I just set up my new system and it was really simple. Having the Graham arm made it really simple, but with these tools I was able to get an unbelievable sound. I can track on the last track on side one with NO distortion. All I did was set the tracking force to aprox 2 grams. My reccomended range is 1.8 - 2.2. I then adjusted VTA, tracking force and anti-skate using the "tracking" tracks on side one. They also have an azimuth setting track on side two. It took me about 3/4 hour to get perfect sound. The allignment on a Graham arm is great, it's not on the table.
I second the recommendation for the HI FI NEWS Test Record (although the instructions could be better). Also the dB Systems Protractor is very useful, and extremely well made. It's not that hard, but be sure you have the right tools. Handle the leads carefully (I suggest using needle nose plyers on them, but be sure to only use gentle pressure). Also make sure you have a set of jeweler's screwdrivers to intstall the tiny screws. Finally, try installing a cheap cartridge first if you are nervous. No special skill is required, just the right tools, and patience.