Cartridge upgrade for SME 20/2A???

Okay, it's almost time for a cartridge upgrade for my SME 20/2A (with SME 4.5 arm). Currently I am using a Dynavector 17d mkII and though it sounds pretty good, I'm also pretty sure that the cartridge - along with the phono interconnect - is a limiting factor. Any thoughts that you guys/girls might have would be most appreciated, including information as to the compatability of the SME arm with certain types of cartridges. I'm not even sure of budget yet, though I realize I will have to spend at least double the amount of the 17d mkII to get a real improvement.
Peterayer: very nice system!

Esoxhntr: I think your first move is a tonearm cable. You may have to pay a little here. A Hovland Music Groove II, Graham IC 50 (or ic 70) are both reasonable $$ choices. I'm sure there are others but those I've owned. The Graham is lighter and the Hovland more warm. Both are VERY good.

Personally, given your setup, I'd try a Purist Venastus. It's killer, then maybe move to a cartridge. That vdH cable is a definite weak link.

All my humble opinion. But from personal experience. Good luck...let us know what you do.
Dear Esoxhntr: Sorry to disturb you about.

Other than the cable and with out to spend a lot of money in a new cartridge you could have a serious quality improvement through the Sumiko Celebration ( I agree with peterayer ) that I think is the best cartridge match for your SME tonearm.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Wow guys - I just spent the morning looking over your systems pretty carefully, in short I am very impressed! I would have looked your rigs over sooner, but have spent most of the week prepping to conduct a musical. Now that opening night is over with, I have a bit more time.
Clearly, a great deal of thought has gone in to each of your systems, and it is a reminder to me why this is such a great hobby since there are a limitless number of ways to achieve a musical result.

Raul - you are an analog wildman! It would be a priveledge to have the opportunity to look over your gear and discuss tonearm and cartridge matching. I've never seen such an assortment of stuff! I am really taken by your Micro Seiki, it looks awesome.

Doug - a Loricraft, and a Teres 320, and a Triplanar vii, AND and ZYX Universe????? That's extreme; clearly sanity left you long ago :) I hope somday to pick your brain a bit about the Loricraft. My project for the next two years is to "ramp up" my analog setup, and a record cleaner is on the "to do" list.

Pete/Sounds Real (Jim?) - what elegant and well integrated setups you both have, obviously well thought out and I bet they sound awesome.
You have convinced me that Sumiko and Dynavector should be on my shortlist, though I may eventually shoot higher than the Celebration or the Te Kaitora.

JFrech - another clearly awesome system, and of course the best turntable of the bunch ;-) (sorry guys, just couldn't resist). I have been waiting for a PAD Din to RCA cable to show up here on the 'gon for quite some time, so far no luck, but I'm still watching...

Just to provide a little more fodder for conversation, here are some of the phono stages I have listened to (in my system) and not purchased:

Benz Lukashek
Pass Xono
Ear 834
Aesthetix Rhea - not impressed!
Bat (don't remember which)

I would certainly value opinions on what might be a suitable phono pre, keeping in mind that it's #3 on my priority list, and the Blue Circle compared favourably to the above mentioned units. Also Raul, I won't be building my own, okay? :)

Thanks again guys,

Well George, let me just give a few quick opinions here, as I am a huge Blue Circle fan + owner.....

First, as good as the 27pi is (esp for the $$$$), I upgraded to a Pass Labs Xono, then to a Joule OPS1 Mk4 or Mk5 (have to check that one)with matching outboard power supply. Both beat the 27pi. The Pass a little more SS like than I prefer! (though SUPER easy adjustments, and quiet too - the Blue Circle had a better soundstage though)The Joule is as quiet as the Pass, but with more inner detail, better layering and staging than both, big bottomed bass (+ hall info) the 27pi I think is the weak link IMHO for your analog system (now if Gilbert is going to build you a crazy Ag based or 200/300 series phono pre, then go for it - I had Gilbert build my amps to be one of a kind BC206 like monoblocks into my BC2's..... sent the Joule OTL's packing)

I have a Basis TT/Vector Arm/Celebration cart, and the Celebration killed with all the above preamps. Like Raul said, SME Sumiko combo is something synergy wise to be heard, with the Basis being very similar to the SME in platform/performance.

Now as far as Cabling, I think the Tg Audio High Purity listed on Audiogon would be killer for your setup. I have Tg High Purity throughout(with Basis Silver Tonearm cabling the only exception), and have through my BC3.1/27pi/Xono to Joule LA150/OPS1 with the Blue Circle amps(or Joule amps), and it has been synergistic from the get go (over Cardas Golden Ref, Kimber 1030/3035, JPS Super2). I would check out that Tg Audio High Purity Din/RCA cable if still available. Killer staging, PRaT, dynamics, hall info, musical/palpable....

Let me just restate that the Celebration has similar pritorities to the Blue Circle sound/presentation. Of course if you go Dyna XV-1s then, hey.... but If you stay with the 27pi then I wouldn't go for better than the Celebration. That is a killer combo IMHO with the SME.
Monk -

Well, as a matter of fact, there was some talk of a custom phono stage a little while back, nudge nudge, wink wink ;-)

Funny, the Xono didn't work out that way in my system, mind you, it was good, so was the EAR. I'd be interested to know what speakers you are running, and I will certainly look into the TG cable, that might well be the place to start.