Cary Audio SA 200.2 SE power amp (latest version)

Hey there,

I need some advise and opinions on something. My current setup includes : Monitor Audio Gold 200 5g (latest generation), Classe Sigma Amp2 class D power amp, Classe Sigma preamp, Cary Audio CD 306 SACD player.
My speaker cables & XLR balanced analog interconnects are Cardas Clear Reflection. Power cables : Shunyata Delta NR, Transparent Reference PowerLink MM1, Audioquest Blizzard, Shunyata Venom V10 NR (20 Amp / C19) from wall to my Shunyata Venom PS8 AC power line distributor. AC power line distributor: Shunyata Venom PS8 with Venom Defender.

I’m about to pull a trigger on the new Cary Audio SA 200.2 SE power amp (latest version) to replace my existing Classe Sigma Amp2 class D amp. The Cary is a class AB amp. Which amp do you think will be a better choice for my system? Have anyone compared these two amps before and what are your thoughts? My Monitor Audio Gold 200 5g speakers (latest generation) are very laid back warm smooth refined sounding speakers. The highs and mids are very smooth. These new MA Gold 200 5g are complete opposite sound profile than the previous MA Gold 4g series, which are very forward and somewhat bright. And I’m using warm sounding speaker cables and analog XLR interconnects throughout.
Your advise, inputs and thoughts will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.



I received the Cary SA 200.2 ES amp couple days ago. I noticed there’s a slight faint buzzing/humming sound coming from the right speaker (right channel) only when I put my ears really really close to the right speaker but not audible at all from a listening position. The left speaker (left channel) is dead quiet. But as the amp warms up after the amp was put to use for several hours of playing music non-stop the buzzing from the right speaker became louder and became really loud and was distracting from listening to music. So I turned the amp off for couple minutes and turned it back on and the buzzing became somewhat faint again, but an hour or two later it became really loud again. Again it’s only on the right channel (right speaker).
Mine is the SA 200.2 ES (newer version), not the original SA 200.2 one.

The amp is plugged into my Shunyata Research PS 8 AC power line distributor with the Venom Defender plugged into the PS 8. Did you have your SA 200.2 ES plugged directly into the wall? I’ve been working with Cary and they told me to plug the amp directly into the wall and see if the buzzing goes away. I will have to do that later and see what happens. For few years I’ve had my Classe Sigma amp plugged into my Shunyata Research PS 8 power line distributor with the Venom Defender and never had buzzing/humming sound from a speaker.

I gave the serial # of the amp to Cary and they told me that my amp was manufactured in 2018. FYI, I bought it used here on Audiogon. So I don’t think it’s dried caps since the amp is only less than 3 years old. But otherwise the amp sounds great very musical and better than my Classe Sigma Amp2 class D amp.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.


Interesting!  I've had mine on for a couple hours and just read your post and checked for buzzing.  I do hear a faint buzzing in both left and right channels.  My equipment is plugged into a Surgex power conditioner/surge protector.  I also just tried plugging the amp directly into the wall and no difference, still faint buzzing.  I responded earlier to your inquiry about buzzing and it was totally silent at the time, which was in the early AM.  I'll check again in the morning and see if there's a difference.  With my ear two feet away, I don't hear anything.


Did the buzzing eventually become louder with yours? Try running your amp for several hours like some 6 or 7 hours of playing music non-stop and see if the buzzing gets louder and becomes really loud to the point where it’s audible from a listening position (8 to 10 feet away from speaker) and was distracting from listening to music. That’s what happened to mine couple days ago but only on the right speaker (right channel). The left speaker remains dead quiet. It’s bizarre. It started out as faint buzzing on the right speaker (very faint) almost inaudible unless if I put my ears right up against the speaker. I literally had to get super close to the speaker (right speaker) in order to hear the buzzing.
I’m going to send it in to Cary Audio so that they can take a look at the issue and will hopefully address it.

I never had buzzing issue with my Classe Sigma class D amp. I’ve had this amp for almost 5 years now and not a single issue. I’m keeping this amp just in case if the Cary SA 200,2 ES amp keeps getting me buzzing issue.
But I like the SA 200.2 ES better, more musical than my Classe Sigma class D amp. I would love to upgrade to the new Classe Delta Stereo power amp (class A/AB amp) but it is $14k to $15k. it’s way out of my price range and will be overkill for my speakers. I’ve heard the Classe Delta Mono monoblock amps (class A/AB amp) before and they are stunning but cost $25k/pair.

I had the prior non-SE version SA-200.2 and it was pretty quiet, did not hum. Nice amp. I reluctantly sold mine to go back to mono tube amps.  

Before you ship it out, make sure to plug it in to a comletely different wall plug, on a different circuit (if you can), use a different (back to stock) power cord, and different interconnects (or swap R to L), different speaker cables/connectors if you have them. Some basic troubleshooting might be worth giving a try before you send it out. Best of Luck.   



I turned on my amp yesterday morning and let it run about 10 hours with no music playing, then played music during a normal session of about 2 hours.  During the day (no music playing) there was a faint buzz that would sometimes change to a faint hum -- audible from up to 2 feet to less than 6 inches with the grills off (it fluctuated).  It was never audible beyond 2 feet during the entire 12 hours, and usually audible only within 1 foot .  So no, it never increased during under these conditions. IIRC about 20 years ago I had a Parasound amp that was humming and one side of the amp was noticeably warmer than the other.  Parasound repaired it under warranty but I don't recall what was repaired.