I also have Legacy Protege speakers (10+ years). Recently I bi-amped with solid-state to woofers and Tubes for tweeters. Currently I'm balancing with a passive pre-amp in between pre and power(tweeters). The Legacys need Hi-Current which the ss delivers. Go with the amp with highest current delivery. Bi-amp if possable (a decent used ss w/Hi-Current and good tubes [10 watts will be plenty] will beat just real good tubes alone, IE 2 lesser amps will beat 1 greater). My tubes are Harmon Kardon Citation II (known for Hi-current), totaly rebuilt (McShane), with KT-90's running in triode. SS was rotel bx-870 now Van Alston MOS-220. Soon a Marchand Electronic Crossover will separate frequencys and balance the amps.
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