Hey all! Just wanted to give the last update on my situation. The amp’s working! Long story short, I finally got around to cleaning/detailing the amp before installing a new set of NOS tubes. All the while thinking that doing so was pretty much an exercise in futility. I mean, no way the amp’s gonna work, right? And of course, I had no way of knowing without doing a complete install. She fired right up and has been singin’ like an angel ever since! Not bad considering I was seriously contemplating leaving the hobby completely behind, I was truly rocked by the accident! Tellyawhat, commendations to Roger Modjeski for designing and building a superb product, the RM9. The unit fell 2 ft., landing upside down on a marble windowsill, directly on the tubes. The tubes that weren’t immediately smashed all had bent pins, so all TWELVE tubes were ruined. I mean, it was as if I had basically hit the amp with a sledgehammer! I thought she was a goner but, yr not gonna believe this, she actually sounds BETTER than before, BRAVO! The goal now is to get the amp out to Ram Labs for a ’tune-up’, I have no doubts that the unit will out-live me!;)