CD Cataloging Problem

I recently inherited a collection of CDs. Mostly classical. I'm not deeply into classical music and I have my own small collection of classical CDs. The collection I inherited is small as well. Maybe 50-75 keepers.

The problem is that the former owner took them out of their jewel cases and stored them in large binders. He kept the insert with the cover art and liner notes.

I like CDs in jewel cases. I have adequate shelving for my CDs and these new ones and I like being able to browse my CDs to decide what to listen to. I do not want to flip though binders. Just a matter of personal preference.

Obviously I can buy jewel cases for next to nothing and put the CDs and inserts in them. But the spine end will be blank and that will make shelf browsing pretty much impossible.

Anyone have any idea how I can fix this without hand labeling jewel case spines? My handwriting is terrible.

(I know that I could rip them all and eventually I probably will. But not ready to go down that road yet.)
Another suggestion... reconsider your dedication to space intensive jewell boxes.  I went to these (link below) a few years ago and haven't looked back.

disclaimer applies - I have no connection with that product etc...
Space is not an issue at this point but I'm not opposed to trying those. How do you browse though?

In the end I might just have to keep them in the big binders he has them in. They are nicely made and well designed but they are large and bulky and awkward.
The Jewelsleeve does allow you to browse if CDs are stored on side.  It's a little tight but you can see the titles.