heard anything conclusive reports from reliable sources that the whole setup is leap and bound above all CDP available out there.
Nor will you. It is not "leaps and bounds above." How could it be? A lot of people have been working very hard for a long time to optimize CD playback. The likelihood of a leap forward at this point is very remote.
As for reliable sources, I've have been looking into this for some time now including implementing a system of my own, studying numerous web sites, and talking to a network of friends who use this approach. If you do the same you will find that a large number of people agree that this is a viable alternative and quite likely a superior one.
Everyone has their own comfort level, but if you have to wait for the blessing of Stereophile or The Absolute Sound before you try something then you are missing out on a whole world of wonderful possibilities to expand your audiophile horizons.
As for quiet, both my Mac Mini and Macbook are dead quiet more than an inch or two away.
I also agree about the joy of the hunt while searching through record stores, but I havent quit buying music. I just have a more convenient way to store and play it back as well as one that is sonically just as good if not better than the old way.