CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
Sleep walker 65 , your digital is so poor , no wonder it is not close to your turntable, try investing $5k in a aluminum player,or antipode, Aurender
but first alll your music library needs to be ripped to a shard drive 
then  your digital will take on yet another level like myself I use only Solid state drives,night and day faster ,no mechanical switching and a better medium .
and dsd recordings may or may not even become main stream.
hd tracks and other down loads give you hires recordings. A 24/96 bit recording 
is the standard for most quality recordings and 2 x more musical information 
then any record can provide 12 bits is all that is possible. You like records for they are richer .there are incredible digital products out there ,Vacuum Tube ,
and solid state.  Start reading computer Audiophile.
 Your are driving a Kia for digital and untill you get into something on a 
much higher level you will never know. Go to a quality Audio store and sit down 
and listen . For you to evening of your cables for analog to be Beldon
is way down on the audio quality list. Heldon make a great Ethernet cable,
thats it . Myself modify all my gear for stock equipment unless $$ high end 
internally is all builtto a price point .for the record, no pun intended less then
25% of the cost of a item actually goes into the product, the rest R&D overhead
and markup. That is why you put much better wiring , upgrade speaker Xovers 
and internal resistor capacitors power supplies. Even your record player is far from the top. Yes ur quality is = to maybe a $3k system at best . Strat getting out more to the Audio stores. What is the rest of yoursystem ,Speakers,
electronics,and cables ? This too tells a lot about the weakest link in the chain.
this is one hobby that being frugal will  expose many short coming .
tome to start spending $$ to get with the times. I owned a Audio store for years
and seen people spend $50k on a system but would not spend even $2500
on cables ,even offering to lend  them to compare. Afraid of spending more 
mentally csnt justify why a cable should be expensive.  Check out all your options.
Isn't CD a dead format these days?   Hilarious that vinyl will outlive it.

anyone that says vinyl destroys itself after every play is an idiot.  set your cartridge up correctly and your vinyl records will last longer than you.
CD has great potential. They never figured out how to deal with the scattered light problem. That’s all. They probably didn’t even know there was a problem.
Well, from what I have recently read in certain industry insider white papers that I am legally bound not disclose the authors, there are now both left handed and right handed scattered light shifters that have pretty much tackled this thorny issue.