Here we have yet another thread where someone asks about a CD player, mentions that he likes to both spin CDs and stream, and every one tells him that he should just stream.
Yes, this occurs pretty regularly on this site, a disregard for what the OP specifically is inquiring about. It very clear the OP enjoys streaming but he wants to also spin CDs. This is a straightforward and achievable task , yep, enjoy both!
@xti35 based on your list I’d choose the Audiolab CDT 6000 . This is a very good sounding transport by all accounts. The Denafrips Aries DAC was mentioned above and this modest priced DAC would pair quite nicely with the Audiolab.
Now you have a very nice Redbook CD playback system to go along with your digital streaming. The upgraded transport will make an important and noticeable sonic improvement in my opinion.