Cd player

Hi guys been building a new HI FI system and been waiting on the HI FI Rose 130, but want to light this system up! Lol Whats a really nice cd player that will not be the weak link? I am running mcintosh c2700, Power Q 707,  Mcintosh 611s & B&W 801 N all with high end cables. 

Thanks for all your input Matt 


Excellent for supporting the C.C.P.

Purchase used. Purchase outside of china. 

I hope everyone in this thread knows the Chinese government owns a bit of every company. Look how they treat their civilians. It’s a horrible travesty. Your dollar has mighty influence 

Streaming might be more convenient, SQ might be very close or perhaps better. Though if you have a large collection of cds. A transport is the best way to go imo. I still purchase cds. I enjoy the physical interaction with my rig. Linear notes and artwork does not compare to what’s on a iPad. 

Vrds is a good look. That is what Wadia, and Esoteric have used.  I’ve tried the Ayre cx-7 upgraded variant. The transport was loud and SQ for the price was not justified. Purchased used. 

Returned the Ayre. Purchased a used Meridian 500 cd transport for 500.00.  There are two different variants. Look for the one that has both spdif, Aes/Ebu. It utilizes a better Phillips transport.  The Meridian has a warm, though not too relaxed sound. All cds even poorly mastered sound a bit better with this transport compared to the other I have auditioned. 

if you have serious funds I’d go Audio Note transport full throttle. Anything made in China will not be around in ten years. You want legacy companies when going the CD route imo.. Granted Meridian parts are a tad rare though there is an authorized repair shop in Georgia. Audio Note has already stated the company will be passed down the family line.

At capital audio fest I checked out the new Briscasti cd transport. Cd drawer was loud when swapping disc. A bit wobbly. Not worth the money imo. 

Never auditioned Accuphase or Esoteric though I’m sure they will perform excellent as well. Luxman has been reported with problems unfortunately. 

Legacy, and company longevity matters most with transports these days  

Best luck!


Additionally… if jays audio transport no longer works. The replacement will cost 500.00 if you’re lucky. 

You can purchase additional Phillips drives for the CDT2-MK3 for about $300 from the Jay’s Audio website. I plan on purchasing one for insurance.  They provide instructions and it doesn’t appear to be too difficult to replace on your own. Some of the brands I currently own or have owned include Elac, Wharfdale, Klipsch, Audiolab, Marantz, Oppo and Rotel. Guess where all of these components were manufactured? This is the economic reality we live in. The only US made component I own is my McIntosh integrated.

I must be living in an alternate universe or something.  Just because it’s the norm. It does not mean it’s justified or that’s how the cookie crumbles. I’ve worked hard. Saved money throughout the years and the only items in my system that might be from China - perhaps resistors, transistors or led lights  

Phillips transports are manufactured in China. Around 1999 Philips started licensing fees for China to use its patents. My cd transport was manufactured in 1996. Still going strong. 

It’s not the world we live in. It’s how you choose to live in this world. If and when the Meridian takes a nose dive. I’ll be purchasing an audio note transport. No shame in my game. The main factor is that people from the United Kingdom, and America hand built the components I own. I made that decision. My money went to companies that are not subsidiaries of Chinese corporations. I take that seriously.