CD player - need your opinion

I decided to try to replace my CD-player (a heavy modded Toshiba SD-4900). In the past 7 years I had the chance to listen to very few CD-players that, in my opinion, were performing great. And these are:
- Teac Esoteric UX 1 and DV-50
- Linn Unidisk 1.1, 2.1, Sondek CD-12, Ikemi
- Sony SCD-333ES, Swoboda
- Sony SCD-XA9000ES
- Tag McLaren DVD-32
- Theta David
- Accuphase DP-100 + DC-101
- Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista
- Naim CDS3 and CD5 + Flatcap II
- Burmester 001
- Mark Levinson 390S
- Wadia 301
- Arcam CD-23 T
- Lua Cantilena
- T+A CD 1240R

I liled them a LOT and, in my opinion these CD-players were head and shoulders over anything else that I listened.

I think the most I enjoyed Linn Sondek CD-12 and Naim CDS3.

The problem is that all these are over $2000 USD and I was never able to commit that much.

Even right now, I cannot commit more then $1150 for a CD-player (new or used in pristine condition).

My question: for $1,150 USD, what I can get in today market that is close to what I liked?

Thank you for you opinions.
Thank you,

Audio Aero sounds interesting. I will have to check into that.

I liked indeed Naim CD5 but ONLY togheter with Flatcap 2!!! Without it, sorry, I do not care about it. And this is my problem. Both of them will be over my budget. Just the CD5 I don't like it.

Arcam - I tried CD92, and I found that is not as close as it theoretically should be to CD23. Sorry, I don;t care about CD92.

I didn't listened yet to Jolida stuff. I tried to say aside from the Chinese stuff. But I will give it a try.

Thank you once again to all of you
Actually, the FMJ-23 should be available at your price point. I've seen it for betwen $1100 and $1200
Try the Eastern Electric Minimax (new $899). This is a Chinese made tube cd player that is incredibly detailed and warm, it also offers HDCD processing.
Indeed - FMJ-23 should be available at within my range. But I just couldnt find one in a good shape.

I've heard about Eastern Electric Minimax, never listen to one. I do not care about HDCD, and I do not trust Chinese manufacturers (yet). But I will try to find one to listen to it.

Thank you once again.
Would you consider a stand alone DAC, instead of a CDP? A good friend just went through an audtion process of CDPS and DACS in your price range and came to the conclusion that a Bel Canto DAC 2 was the best sounding in his system.It seemed to be immune to any sound differences regardless of the transport, so you could still use your old CDP as a transport untill you could afford to upgrade. I tried it in one of my own home systems and found it compative with a 5,500.oo CDP! It had about 80 percent of the performance of that player[Electrocompaniet 1-UP]. If PRAT is very important to you, you might also consider a BENCHMARK DAC 1, since you mentioned you like the sound of NAIM players. The BEL CANTO is warmer sounding than the BENCHMARK. Both pieces can be purchased for around 1,000.00 either new or used. Hope this helps out.