CD-R's suddenly "unreadable".

I've been listening to CD-r's on my CEC TL-1X without any problems for the past several years. Within the past few weeks the same CD-R's have become unreadable on this transport. Ocassionally, if I start the CD on a later track, say track 10, and work my way back to track 1 with the remote, it will read and continue to play.
The manufacturer of the CD-R's are from many sources including Sony, Marantz, IBM, etc.

I checked the laser for dust and debris and all seems OK.

Any Suggestions??

This is an elusive problem because it can be a lowered output from an aging laser, misalignment, tray movement problems or the fact you are burning the CDRs at 16Xs or 24Xs which seems to present problems with some players. I would first have a tech go through the player and establish output, alignment and all before blaming the CDRs.
Good Luck.
It's very easy to clean the laser with a cleaning disc or remove the cover and clean it with a QTip. Then try the other fixes if it doesn't help.
I burn a lot of cd-rs for the car. my head unit (blaupunkt) heats up during use and often makes my cd-rs unreadable halfway through. I believe instability of cd-rs are to blame. if you examine them, they are thinner than normal cds. the maxells i've used lately seem to have a half-life of only a few weeks of car use, the philips cd-rs seem to fare better. i have to burn new discs every month or so...btw, i also have a cec tl-1x and it plays 'new' cd-rs just fine--as long as they're less than a few weeks old.
Seems like Maxell does cause more problems than most CDR's.
The Imation discs seem to work well and are cheap at about .30 each. I also like the Fugi's.