Cd recorder continuation

Are all cd recorders able to use any blank disks for making copies?
If not is there still a big price discrepency between the different varieties of blanks?

Why are you still burning CD's? Not judging you or anyone, I just want to know why. I went digital years ago (both streaming and storing music on a Blusound, and now upgraded to an  Aurrender, and have never looked back. No more storing CD's, worrying about scratches, or CD players going bad, spending money on CDR's, or the time spent burning CD's. 

I still burn cds using MAM-A gold cds off JRiver MEDIA off my laptop.  I do load cds onto my Melco server.  There is an audible difference on my highly resolving system.  CD > server > streaming.  All three sources do though sound really good.