I agree with Baddabob ... I'm running a Krell KPS 20i with a Levinson 360s and I go from amazed to dissapointed by just switching a disc. Most all of my post 1995 CD's are very good to great but some of the 1970's and 80's recordings leave me wondering why I bother. I never had that feeling with vinyl or at least not to the extent that digital formats vary.
Case and point ... The Eagles :
On the boarder - Not good ... in fact bad.
The Long Run - Great sound
Both titles released before the age of the digital formats.
I see many of the classics being reissued and remastered. I'm hoping it will clean up some of the more dismal sounding older titles.
All that being said ... If I had it to do over again I think I'd go with the Cary 306/200 SACD and in fact I still might. I do really like the Levinson DAC but it was spendy and I dont know that a similar sound couldnt be found for less cash. I have heard that Cary has a fantastic build quality and wasnt aware they had build issues. I guess I'll have to do some more reading.
Good Luck ... I'd keep the vinyl however. I'm going back to vinyl as soon as I can make space. I'll keep my CD's as well.
Case and point ... The Eagles :
On the boarder - Not good ... in fact bad.
The Long Run - Great sound
Both titles released before the age of the digital formats.
I see many of the classics being reissued and remastered. I'm hoping it will clean up some of the more dismal sounding older titles.
All that being said ... If I had it to do over again I think I'd go with the Cary 306/200 SACD and in fact I still might. I do really like the Levinson DAC but it was spendy and I dont know that a similar sound couldnt be found for less cash. I have heard that Cary has a fantastic build quality and wasnt aware they had build issues. I guess I'll have to do some more reading.
Good Luck ... I'd keep the vinyl however. I'm going back to vinyl as soon as I can make space. I'll keep my CD's as well.